Tag Archives: Journal

Observation Skills: Go!

You know what I’m really, truly, honestly, down to my very core sick of? This freaking incision. Post-surgical recovery. Just sick of it. If you’ve never had surgery in an awkward place you’ll be surprised to find how much it limits you. My incision spans my lower back/tailbone area, so I’m aching in strange places […]

Street Photography Haul and 6 Minipiphanies

I’m winding down week one of 2013 with a decent photo-haul and some epiphanies, if you wanna call them that. Minipiphanies, maybe, of a total newbie who tries my best and has been voraciously reading the blogs, e-books and articles of those who have been there, done that for years. I’ve been internalizing their advice, […]

Street Photography, Inspiration, and Surgery

We pulled into the pet store parking lot on a nondescript early Sunday morning. I saw this lady out of my peripheral vision and I knew I had to take her picture. She carried herself with an air of calm and self-assuredness that matched the still and quiet morning. My mom barely rolled to a […]